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Friday, November 26, 2010

21 Days of Love: John 12

Mary anointed Jesus' feet with perfume that was quite expensive, worth the equivalent of a year's wages! Imagine saving up a year's wages, say $50,000, and then throwing it away on the feet of Jesus. It was almost as if Mary did not even consider the enormity of the sacrifice. She was so enamored with Jesus, she gave to him the most precious gift she could give- a small fortune, especially for a peasant Jew.

As I consider Mary's extravagant love for Jesus, I wonder if I am willing to give my most precious possession to him as a sacrifice of love. I'm not even sure what that most precious possession would be. For Abraham it was Isaac, for Mary and Joseph it was their reputation...but what can I surrender to Christ in love for him today.

Lord, show me today what precious perfume I can, in love, pour on the feet of Jesus.

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