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Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 Comprehensive Resolutions for a Well-Lived Life

Here is my life plan for 2012. Several years ago, I began the process of developing a one-page life plan that included spiritual, relational, service, intellectual, and physical goals to guide me in the year ahead. Perhaps the categories, goals, and objectives below will intersect with your hunger for more faithful relationships and more fruitful service. Enjoy!

Spiritual Goal
To develop the capacity to look for the presence of God and to listen for the direction of God
·         Read through the bible in one year
·         Journal a prayer to God every Sunday that reflects my looking and listening for him
·         Retreat for 2-3 days in winter to be with God

Marriage Goal
To develop spiritual and emotional intimacy with my spouse
·         Worship, pray, and plan with my spouse every Tuesday evening from 8:00-10:00
·         Go on a date with my spouse twice each month
·         Get away for an overnight with my spouse in the summer and the winter
Parenting Goal
To prepare my children for a life lived to the glory of God
·         Lead a meaningful devotional time during dinner
·         Pray over children every night before I go to bed
·         Spend 2 hours alone with each one of our three children monthly
·         Minister as a family through a periodic service projects

Service Goal
To encourage, equip, and empower my students and ministers to be faithful to and fruitful for God  
·         Contact 3-5 students each week to encourage, equip, and empower them for life and ministry
·         Develop and deliver courses, workshops, seminars, and articles/blogs that will foster ministerial faithfulness and fruitfulness nationally and globally
·         Attend a conference annually that will assist me in achieving this goal   

Friendship Goal
To develop deep friendships with 2 people for support and accountability
·         Initiate monthly lunches with 3-5 people who can potentially become significant friends
·         Consistently pray for these friends and the friendships

Intellectual Goal
To increase my capacity to think critically and constructively in the areas of biblical theology and homiletics
·         Research and read one of the most in-depth books from both fields above
·         Summarize and analyze each of the books via my blog
·         Read 3-5 books on homiletics or exegesis annually

Physical Goal
To develop healthy exercise and eating habits
·         Do a cardiovascular workout (running, racquetball, basketball) 4x/week
·         Do push-ups and sit-ups 3x/week
·         Eat fruits or vegetables with every meal
·         Do not eat after 7:00 pm


Erica said...

I like your goals for 2012! I may have to borrow a few from the marriage and parenting goal always you have great ideas!

Lenny Luchetti said...

Thanks Erica. Hope you're doing well my friend. Say hello to the big guy (Todd not God) and girls for me.