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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November 19: Acts 17

The following thoughts and reflections are from a friend named John who has been attending SWC for the past few months.

This reading really moved me when I read it on multiple levels. First, I am moved by the fact that although there was a plurality of religion in the Athenian society, Paul did not pretend that he was going to talk about one of the many gods which would probably have been readily accepted by the Athenians, he instead stopped and explained to them his understanding of the one God.

Secondly, His explanation of God is breathtaking... Think about it, he states that God not only made man and everything on heaven and Earth but is somehow in everything. Not only did he do all this but Paul also explains what man's purpose is which is exceptional. Paul explains that we are put on this Earth so we might, "27 seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 28'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'" This means to me that God has placed us here with a longing to be near him and to know him more intimately. Which is probably the thing in this passage that warmed my heart because I can relate with this strong intense desire to search and know my God. Not only is this a desire of mine but I feel like that is what God wants me to do to know him on an intimate basis and that makes me feel extremely grateful to be on the path that my God wans me on.

These are the things that stuck out the most for me...


Anonymous said...

Awesome post John! I too want to know our God! In these verses, Paul was engaging a pagan culture telling them about a God they didn’t know. Although I may not be able to speak as elegant as Paul, I will continue to share the good news about Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you both Our God is an awesome God and there is nothing more important than knowing him on an intimate basis and to seek him and know he is not far from us Like you said God from verses 27&28.The more I get to know him the more I want to get to know him more and Im really glad he wants fellowship with me Too.